How to Use Payza Bangladesh to Create A Successful Business?

At one hand, credit/debit cards are facing security threats everywhere and they are more pronounced in Bangladesh like country. At another hand, Bangladesh can’t allow cryptocurrency and other international payment methods where tracing was about of senders or sometimes receivers are not available for security agencies. Thus, Payza is the fittest solution for the Bangladeshis and simulate the services of PayPal indeed!

Payza Bangladesh

Bangladesh is densely populated country, if we calculate population density per sq. km. Fortunately, it has the average age of 23 and its scrappy young generation heading towards rapid socioeconomic changes along with political ambiance. Awareness, education, and influence of entrepreneurs within and outside the country are bringing rapid changes in the lifestyle and the ways people think and behave.

Brick and mortar businesses are now converting to brick-to-click and e-commerce ventures by recognizing the upcoming trends and mood of Bangladeshis. Invasion of mobile Internet has made easy to go online and perform the desired online shopping from anywhere and at any time. Now, just tell me who would like to go outside to deal with traffic mesh and burn fuel albeit with wasting valuable time in moving shop-to-shop.

Obstacles in the Way

However, Internet shopping in Bangladesh is not quite easy, as it seems, literally in other countries particularly in western counterparts. In USA, you can use PayPal-like payment gateways freely and securely whether you are a US citizen or not. Unfortunately, it is not true in Bangladesh because PayPal and others do willingly not exist in the economy. Bangladesh is highly sensitive and protective economy in Asia. Therefore, it avoids international players who become cause of dollar drains, instruments of terrorism, and adverse in the interests of the country at this stage.

Another reason is mindset of Bangladeshis who believe that each entrepreneur invests only for sake of fatty profits and they hardly place trusts on other money transfer or payment methods. For these very reasons, payment on delivery and brick-to-click like models resume much. Other factors such as opening merchant account and payment gateway account for a business or buyer is tedious to do.

Unique Nature and Condition of Bangladesh

At other hand, Bangladeshis love to do quick online shopping instead of waiting for long in traffic mesh. They love to have simple payment process even they don’t have permanent bank account. The demand for such extreme level simplicities without missing security concern of bank, people, and government was challenging to translate in solid reality.

Role of Payza Bangladesh

Fortunately, Payza Bangladesh has taken bid to create bespoken solutions for Bangladesh in its own circumstances. What Payza Bangladesh has done? It has implemented e-wallet concept where anyone can create account with Payza Bangladesh, simply by visiting a teller in bank or registering online by filling essential info and identity/authentication. You would have multiple options to topple money in your account in bank or online.

Bangladeshi Taka

Now, you are ready to do online shopping, transfer money to your relatives/friends, or withdraw money coming from others. If you have cryptocurrency and you want to covert it in Taka (local money), you can take help of Payza Bangladesh with minimum charges. In fact, this e-wallet concept absolutely eliminates the merchant account from the default online payment system and you have to just deal with a reputable international payment service provider in your local Bangladeshi environment with your own ways.

Bangladeshi PayPal

Payza Bangladesh is feasible solution for the exporter, non-residential Bangladeshis, and offshore service providers like software designers, developers, Internet marketers, and many. Perhaps, Payza Bangladesh is highly sought after solution for the outsourcing industry, which desperately needs Bangladeshi PayPal in absence of real PayPal.

How Online Shopping in Bangladesh Can Ease Your Pain?

Bangladesh came into existence after it’s division from India earlier and later from Pakistan. The country has many stories of migrating folks who still migrate for the sake of money since then. Few years back, sending or receiving money to and from Bangladesh was daunting and painful experience, but Payza Bangladesh has changed the scenario today.

Payza Money Transfer
Send & Receive Online Money Through Payza

Initially, Bangladesh was an eastern part of Pakistan, which came into existence due to the partition phenomenon of the Indian peninsula. Bangladesh has been through troubles and suffering from social, political, economic, and educational problems ever since its origin.

Partition Phenomena
The first partition from India was indeed the series of painful experiences because the majority of people came in Bangladesh were from Bengal race, so Bengali became their national language while remaining Urdu speakers who came from rests of neighboring states of India fall at a minority in Bangladesh at ethical and cultural level. Therefore, this minority community has strong ties with their relatives in India and some in Pakistan who came into the picture after the second partition of Bangladesh. The real threads of the ties were financial, wedding, family links, religious and cultural links between essential practices like burial and some were pure but strong emotional bonds as human beings.

Painful Sending and Receiving Money
These immigration ties were demanding frequent travel and money exchanges between the people of these two to three nations. In the olden days, sending or receiving money was uneasy and unsecured because the carrier and the trust factors were in question. The recent new generations of Bangladeshis had begun migration to the western and other countries of the world for the sake of better opportunities and life.This has worsened issues related to money transactions further by adding currency and distance factors in it.

If you have heard horrendous stories of the pain of sending and receiving money from the elder immigrant folk of Bangladesh, you probably would have realized the importance of the one-click solution in the form of payment gateways on Internet thoroughly. According to the old folks, officials had created a lot of hassle for sending and receiving money. Sometimes they have to pay the bribe to the border security guards for the cover or carrier crossing the borders frequently in the due course of money transactions.

Gradual Improvements
Gradually, other means of money transfer came to the surface and eased the lives of many Bangladeshi folks who are dispersed across the globe and want to keep their ties intact with their Bangladeshi relatives or counterparts. Recently, the government of Bangladesh allowed Payza Bangladesh as an official payment gateway, which will work on the accepted terms and respect the laws of the country and most importantly, for the betterment of Bangladeshis by-and-large.

Payza Changing the Scenario

Payza SimplySend BD Logo

Payza has put an excellent service called, SimplySendBD as low cost, convenient, and fast online money transaction facilities where people of Bangladesh and immigrant folks can receive or send their money in a highly cost-effective way rapidly yet securely. Payza Bangladesh has tied knots with local banks of Bangladesh for easy local bank account access and money topping facilities for online shopping in Bangladesh as well as sending and receiving money from and through Bangladesh at the lowest remittance fees.

The ease through e-transaction has boosted the outsourcing and export sectors to grow and perform secure and conductive financial environment that was a nightmare once in the same country and for the same people of the Bangladesh.

The Simple E-Payment System in Bangladesh Wins Online Customers

Influence of electronic payment system over the Internet shopping in Bangladesh is profound and need revisits of policies as well as strategies employed. Therefore, some live debate on this is must and discussion on the pros and cons of e-payment system may bring fruitful solutions with the pace of time.
Internet Shopping in Bangladesh

In traditional banking system, we had everything on paper so we used to rely heavily on the human resources to accomplish tasks of entries, clearing, deposits, document transfer, etc. on time and with accuracy. Fortunately, digitalization and use of Internet as well as intranet network had changed that dismal scenario rapidly in the western developed countries before decades.

Towards Digital Bangladesh

However, in Bangladesh like backward economy, these all and sudden changes were not possible so Bangladeshis have to wait for long to enjoy such advance privileges in comparison to their western counterparts. Fortunately, government of Bangladesh has initiated many vital moves in this direction and given an agenda to make economy and other sectors digital through “Digital Bangladesh” slogan.

Many forward thinkers and people with futuristic visions including entrepreneurs residing within country or in foreign lands have created highly conductive environment and made useful efforts to boost the process of digitalization through invading Internet and telecommunication network or facilities in early days. Later on mobiles became buzzword and sudden proliferation of mobile users taken place.

E-Payment Scenario

Along with other infrastructural facilities in the country, financial system also had taken many vital initiations. Among them banking sector and payment gateways were leaders to revolutionize the scenario of e-commerce by-and-large. Today, majority of money transactions are taking place through electronic cards or Internet across the country. Therefore, it is vital to understand the electronic payment system in Bangladesh before doing any business in the country or investing money.

Challenges on the Road

Yes, things are not always gloomy, as they seem because there are multiple challenges on the road of progress, which people of Bangladesh and other stakeholders of economy have to face, such as:

  • Increased rate of cyber crime in this social and educational backward country
  • Money laundering like activities due to strict money regulations and rules of land
  • Perception of people are not always positive due to backwardness and lack of awareness
  • Initial high cost for access because e-card payment as well as Internet payment systems need investment in infrastructure for government as well as financial system and in hardware for end-users.
  • Confidence and security of transaction is big issue due to increasing threats from the hackers as well as malicious elements in Internet shopping payment as well as thieves for e-card payments
  • Lack of knowledge and skills is a big problem in Bangladesh in using e-payment system where illiterate population is bigger in mid-age and elder people population categories
  • Attitude to a new product vary in this small country where new generation is ready to adopt new things easily while older one is still grapples
  • To minimize the cash based transaction is a big goal because the lower strata of society occupies a big portion and threats of thieves, robbers, and other non-social elements are bigger in comparison to its neighboring countries like India. Therefore, spreading e-payment tempo in rural areas of Bangladesh is positive move.

Solutions and Implementations


No doubt, government and banks have taken numerous steps to beat the aforementioned challenges, but initiative by Payza Bangladesh has enhanced advancement procedure of e-payment system noteworthy for Internet shoppers and others. Through various schemes like SimplySendBD and Payza e-wallet, this payment gateway providing group has revolutionized the entire scenario of Internet shopping experiences.

Moreover, Payza has boosted the morals of e-commerce providers in Bangladesh and for Bangladesh at admirable levels. The most important thing Payza has done is that it has given highly cheaper yet quality alternative for e-transactions and e-payment to an underprivileged country like Bangladesh.